Spanish Dictionary

Translation of undulate in Spanish

to undulate     ondear    

Translation by Vocabulix


The four of us ate dinner at this cozy place. As always, we ate meat. After desert we headed to a night club, when my wife started to feel a little dizzy. She blamed the wine, but i had a bad feeling.
We drove to the next spot exactly at noon. We were told that this spot would not be crowded at all during the lunch hour and we were not surprised to find it completely empty without anyone else.
We shivered, sweat and vomited the entire night. In addition we had the worst room in the worst hotel in town: Hostal Resbalosa.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of undulate   [ undulated, undulated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of ondear
ondeo  ondeas  ondea  ondeamos  ondeáis  ondean  ondeaba  ondeabas  ondeaba  ondeábamos  ondeabais  ondeaban  ondeé  ondeaste  ondeó  ondeamos  ondeasteis  ondearon  ondearé  ondearás  ondeará  ondearemos  ondearéis  ondearán