Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ventilate in Spanish

to ventilate     ventilar    

Translation by Vocabulix


In the early morning, before going to the airport we went to the travel office of the Vietnamese airline company to avoid about possible problems with the entry. They assured us that everything was fine.
We drove to the next spot exactly at noon. We were told that this spot would not be crowded at all during the lunch hour and we were not surprised to find it completely empty without anyone else.
I think I have to switch back to English. It will take me two years until I write an entire letter in German and I suppose I do not have the time for it. Does that mean that I am not serious about learning?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of ventilate   [ ventilated, ventilated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of ventilar
ventilo  ventilas  ventila  ventilamos  ventiláis  ventilan  ventilaba  ventilabas  ventilaba  ventilábamos  ventilabais  ventilaban  ventilé  ventilaste  ventiló  ventilamos  ventilasteis  ventilaron  ventilaré  ventilarás  ventilará  ventilaremos  ventilaréis  ventilarán