Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tentar

tentar     to tempt    

Pronunciation of tentar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
En la obra de Goethe, Fausto fue tentado por el diablo.

In Goethe's work, Faust was tempted by the devil.

His name was Leo and he would become a good friend of mine during the next two weeks. He had a lovely girlfriend where he stayed during my visit. Basically, I slept in his place when he was away.
It can also be directed against a group of people who have anything in common, such as religion or being from the same nation. Being that it gives one the fake feeling of superiority and self-confidence.
In order to see it you have to complete a lesson. I attached a screenshot. I did not place any rating there, so that it will not demotivate some of the users, especially the fresh beginners.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of tentar
tiento  tientas  tienta  tentamos  tentáis  tientan  tentaba  tentabas  tentaba  tentábamos  tentabais  tentaban  tenté  tentaste  tentó  tentamos  tentasteis  tentaron  tentaré  tentarás  tentará  tentaremos  tentaréis  tentarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of tempt   [ tempted, tempted ]