Spanish Dictionary

Translation of transcribir

transcribir     to transcribe    

Pronunciation of transcribir    

Translation by Vocabulix


His name was Leo and he would become a good friend of mine during the next two weeks. He had a lovely girlfriend where he stayed during my visit. Basically, I slept in his place when he was away.
Language education is very important to me, because I really want to communicate with other cultures and people. If I could I would learn all languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Italian.
We went to visit the different markets starting with the bracelet market in Kowloon. Lili bought a few stones there. In the afternoon we visited the financial district which could only be reached by boat.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of transcribir
transcribo  transcribes  transcribe  transcribimos  transcribís  transcriben  transcribía  transcribías  transcribía  transcribíamos  transcribíais  transcribían  transcribí  transcribiste  transcribió  transcribimos  transcribisteis  transcribieron  transcribiré  transcribirás  transcribirá  transcribiremos  transcribiréis  transcribirán