Spanish Dictionary

Translation of votación

la votación     the vote    

Pronunciation of votación    

Translation by Vocabulix


for a minute I blamed the burger that I had eaten at the duty free back in Cancun, but thinking a little further I recalled eating street food the night earlier, as it was Mexican independence day.
Let me summarize our meeting from Sunday, please give me feedback if something is unclear. I will send you the study material, including lessons and vocabulary lists to ensure the accuracy of training.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
Check out these translations villancico    venir    vanidoso    universo    tráquea    trapero    toro    tilde    tener que    tarado   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of vote   [ voted, voted ]