Verb conjugation of "abschalten" in German

Conjugate the verb abschalten:

ich schalte ab
du schaltest ab

er schaltete ab
wir haben abgeschaltet

ihr werdet abschalten


sie würden abschalten



Verb drill 'abschalten'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abschalten in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abschicken   abschließen   abschneiden   abschreiben   absenden   absetzen  

schalte ab
schaltest ab
schaltet ab
schalten ab
schaltet ab
schalten ab


schaltete ab
schaltetest ab
schaltete ab
schalteten ab
schaltetet ab
schalteten ab

It all depends on the language that you want to learn. For German it would be best to go to Berlin, as the pronunciation is classic there. Imagine going to Switzerland where they speak a different language.
I have not installed ICQ, unfortunately, but I know many people who use other means of communication, perhaps I can down load it! Currently I am unemployed, I have worked as a waitress.
Why do I never travel? This is a very good question, but I do not know how to answer it: On one hand, I like the landscape, but on the other hand it annoys me to pack and to drive or fly.