Verb conjugation of "abtrocknen" in German

Conjugate the verb abtrocknen:

ich trockne ab
du trocknest ab

er trocknete ab
wir haben abgetrocknet

ihr werdet abtrocknen


sie würden abtrocknen



Verb drill 'abtrocknen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abtrocknen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abwarten   abwaschen   abwehren   abweichen   abweisen   abwenden  

trockne ab
trocknest ab
trocknet ab
trocknen ab
trocknet ab
trocknen ab


trocknete ab
trocknetest ab
trocknete ab
trockneten ab
trocknetet ab
trockneten ab

In this email I would like to tell you what occured to me in Italy during the summer vacation last year. So, I went to Italy for four days. First I stayed in Firenze, than I decided to go to Rome.
Joanna started kindergarten 2 weeks ago. She got used to it very quickly and I must say that I am very pround of her. She is now 23 months old and we are going to celebrate her birthday in three weeks.
The American (his name was Jeffrey) meant that this is the hour where usually the price of goods went down as the sellers were under pressure and did not want to return with the product.