Verb conjugation of "vorkommen" in German

Conjugate the verb vorkommen:

ich komme vor
du kommst vor

er kam vor
wir sind vorgekommen

ihr werdet vorkommen


sie würden vorkommen



Verb drill 'vorkommen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vorkommen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vorladen   vorlegen   vorlesen   vornehmen   vorrücken   vorschlagen  

komme vor
kommst vor
kommt vor
kommen vor
kommt vor
kommen vor


kam vor
kamst vor
kam vor
kamen vor
kamt vor
kamen vor

My name is Maria. I am 66 years old. I live in Barcelona (the capital of Catalunia) with my husband and my children. But I think my children will soon move out and live by themselves.
This afternoon I will fly to Chile. My two brothers and sisters live there. They are also very old and my brother has already died. My parents emigrated 30 years ago, but they wanted to stay.
I have learned German for one year and I would like to intensify my studies. Do not know how yet... It is very difficult at my age to start new projects in life. I am over 75, did I tell ya...