Verb conjugation of "vorlesen" in German

Conjugate the verb vorlesen:

ich lese vor
du liest vor

er las vor
wir haben vorgelesen

ihr werdet vorlesen


sie würden vorlesen



Verb drill 'vorlesen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vorlesen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vornehmen   vorrücken   vorschlagen   vorschreiben   vorstellen   vortragen  

lese vor
liest vor
liest vor
lesen vor
lest vor
lesen vor


las vor
lasest vor
las vor
lasen vor
last vor
lasen vor

If I see that the case study does not progress as I wish, I will summarize the data myself and let the University sign it. Of course, you will receive the study immediately. All the best meanwhile.
I am sending you my e-mail address. Then I can write in German and send it to you faster. Please send me pictures of your children. I love little kids, they are always so sweet and innocent.
Right now I'm looking for a new job. Actually, I feel good, although I've had a cold for a few days. I can not get past autumn without catching a cold and I cough usually until spring.