Verb conjugation of "zustimmen" in German

Conjugate the verb zustimmen:

ich stimme zu
du stimmst zu

er stimmte zu
wir haben zugestimmt

ihr werdet zustimmen


sie würden zustimmen



Verb drill 'zustimmen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zustimmen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zutreffen   zuvorkommen   zuwandern   zweifeln   zwingen   zwinkern  

stimme zu
stimmst zu
stimmt zu
stimmen zu
stimmt zu
stimmen zu


stimmte zu
stimmtest zu
stimmte zu
stimmten zu
stimmtet zu
stimmten zu

I work as an actor in the theater. I have studied English for seven years, French and Spanish for two years. Well, my level of Spanish is too low to have a good conversation, but I understand it.
I would gladly be your friend, but I must admit that I have little time for learning because of my work. Maybe we can talk now and see how it goes. If it goes well I can return home earlier.
I'm helping you with Spanish and you can help me with English. How did you teach yourself the grammar? Here in Zurich it has being raining for 5 days and we have spent most of the time in front of the TV.