Verb conjugation of "zuvorkommen" in German

Conjugate the verb zuvorkommen:

ich komme zuvor
du kommst zuvor

er kam zuvor
wir sind zuvorgekommen

ihr werdet zuvorkommen


sie würden zuvorkommen



Verb drill 'zuvorkommen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zuvorkommen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zuwandern   zweifeln   zwingen   zwinkern   zwitschern   zählen  

komme zuvor
kommst zuvor
kommt zuvor
kommen zuvor
kommt zuvor
kommen zuvor


kam zuvor
kamst zuvor
kam zuvor
kamen zuvor
kamt zuvor
kamen zuvor

I work as an actor in the theater. I have studied English for seven years, French and Spanish for two years. Well, my level of Spanish is too low to have a good conversation, but I understand it.
The differences between Italian and Spanish are very small. But I see that you speak Spanish better than I speak English. It is still far from perfect, but that is already a start.
My family and I live in Frankfurt. I love South American literature, Jewish music, winter sports, and of course the time with my family. What do you do in your spare time? Reading Spanish books too?