German Dictionary

Translation of zuvorkommen

zuvorkommen to anticipate    ; to forestall    

Translation by Vocabulix


We would love to have you here as our guests! My niece Katja had also many diffculties with the new surroundings. She is really upset with this new change. How was your trip to Italy? I'll keep writing to you!
I want to talk about racism, what it is and what it does, about who is a racist and what makes hit so, about its consequences and how we can fight it. Furthermore, I would like to analyze more.
Is there a way that I could test your Spanish and German lessons? Quality is very important to me. Can you send me a lesson electronically (by email or word)? Maybe you have your lesson ready.
Check out these translations zubereiten    wässern    widerlich    warten    voraussehen    verwerfen    verschleiern    verheiratet    verbal    untersuchen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zuvorkommen
[bin zuvorgekommen]
komme zuvor  kommst zuvor  kommt zuvor  kommen zuvor  kommt zuvor  kommen zuvor  kam zuvor  kamst zuvor  kam zuvor  kamen zuvor  kamt zuvor  kamen zuvor     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of anticipate   [ anticipated, anticipated ]
Conjugation of forestall   [ forestalled, forestalled ]