German Dictionary

Translation of warten

warten Wir warten auf den Bus. to wait     We wait for the bus.
warten to wait    ; to maintain    
das Warten the waiting    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Melonen warteten in der Wanne darauf, zu Sorbet verarbeitet zu werden.

The melons lay in the tub, waiting to be turned into sherbet.
Um 10 Uhr morgens wartete der Berater bereits im Foyer. The counselor was already waiting in the foyer at 10 a.m. .
Ich habe meinen Anschlussflug nach Paris heute morgen verpasst und muss nun bis morgen warten. I missed my connection flight to Paris this morning and will have to wait until tomorrow.
auf Entscheide warten wait for decisions
instand halten, warten to maintain
auf jemand warten to wait für
warten (am Telefon) to hold on
warten; abwarten to hang on
Schlange (warten) line
warten auf to wait for
Warten, Wartezeit wait
Warten; Wartezeit wait

The earlier you go to the top of the mountains the fewer people are on the slopes. I love the sound of the ski-lifts and seeing the villages disappear in the distance while I move up to the mountains.
Our link book file suddenly disappeared overnight, and the technical team had no idea why. We fixed the problem now. Please go to vocabulix and than press the menu Link Book. Do you see it now?
Somehow at three in the morning I finally fell asleep. The place did not serve breakfast but I went to the northern beach which offered really nice food. I ate some fruits and drank coffee.
Check out these translations trainieren    sehr    oder    leer    handeln    fein    dritte    besetzen    angeln    Würfel   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of warten
warte  wartest  wartet  warten  wartet  warten  wartete  wartetest  wartete  warteten  wartetet  warteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of maintain   [ maintained, maintained ]
Conjugation of wait   [ waited, waited ]