German Dictionary

Translation of abbrechen

abbrechen to break off
abbrechen to terminate    

Translation by Vocabulix


abbrechen; einstellen; unterbrechen discontinue
abbrechen; absetzen; einstellen to discontinue
ausscheiden; abbrechen to drop; drop
abbrechen, aufhören to break up
ein Zelt abbrechen strike a tent
abbrechen (give up) abort
abbrechen to put aside

Officials say that the trip will start after lunch at around 1pm, next to the Phoenix Hall at Lili's college in Boston. During the departure of these twenty five crazy kids, major roads will be closed.
Seldom only do such incidents occur, thank God, but the fact is that these incidents, which are started by a relatively small group, need to have a broader support among others in order to exist.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abbrechen
brecab  brichst ab  bricht ab  brechen ab  brecht ab  brechen ab  brach ab  brachst ab  brach ab  brachen ab  bracht ab  brachen ab