German Dictionary

No, it is a summer camp for teenagers between the age of 16 to 18. They spend 9-10 months of the year in the boarding school, first in the mountains, then near a sea in the local area. Some of them have work to do during the summer vacation.
Sometimes I visit Vocabulix to meet new people. It is true that one could do the same on Facebook, but the FB page is rather for friends, and you are less likely to contact strangers for this purpose.
I live right next to Montpellier, in a small town near the coast, in France. I have no children and I'm learning Spanish because I like foreign languages. I learn vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulix helps me a lot.
Sometimes I visit Vocabulix to meet new people. It is true that one could do the same on Facebook, but the FB page is rather for friends, and you are less likely to contact strangers for this purpose.
I live right next to Montpellier, in a small town near the coast, in France. I have no children and I'm learning Spanish because I like foreign languages. I learn vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulix helps me a lot.
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