German Dictionary

Translation of anfügen

anfügen to append    

Translation by Vocabulix


anfügen; befestigen; verbinden mit to attach
anfügen; beifügen; umgeben enclose
anhängen, anfügen to attach
ergänzen, anfügen to add

Ok. I will send you a new exercise. As far as I remember, you got the book for 10 Euro. Is that correct? Meanwhile, please send me your email address, your Skype user name and if you want phone number.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
We entered the vessel from behind and went to take a shower. I remembered why I am not a big supporter of long boat rides: One every room and facility is small and second you move all the time.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anfügen
füge an  fügst an  fügt an  fügen an  fügt an  fügen an  fügte an  fügtest an  fügte an  fügten an  fügtet an  fügten an     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of append   [ appended, appended ]