German Dictionary

Translation of anzünden

anzünden to light    

Translation by Vocabulix


anzünden; in Brand stecken to set fire to
eine Kerze anzünden light a candle
leuchten, anzünden light lit lit
anzünden set on fire; incendiar
anzünden to light; lit ,lit
Feuer anzünden make a fire
anzünden to ignite
anzünden lighting

The citizens actually welcomed the shrinking of the population because they thought that the fewer people there are the more place and wealth the rest could share as more resources are available.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
The following day we took a boat trip to see the Los Glaciares National Park, where many glaciers formed hugh lakes. Many ice bergs were floating in these lakes and some of them had bizarre light blue colors.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anzünden
zünde an  zündest an  zündet an  zünden an  zündet an  zünden an  zündete an  zündetest an  zündete an  zündeten an  zündetet an  zündeten an     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of light   [ lighted, lighted ]