German Dictionary

Translation of artig

artig well-behaved    

Translation by Vocabulix


gut; brav, lieb; artig good; good; good
groß(artig); toll; prima great
gut erzogen, artig well-behaved
brav, artig good; well-behaved
verschieden (-artig) various
höflich; artig polite
einzig (-artig) unique
fremd(artig) strange
gross(artig) great

Do you think it would be good to put a regional box near each translation [optional of course]? That means a translator can check countries if it is only used there. Regional differences appear in all languages.
I didn't find any this time, but I'm paying close attention. I have received your message. At the upper right corner you have a link 'show my words' that display the words you have entered so far in both languages.
I really would like to invest more time here but until now I was too busy to keep my promises. Maybe I should take a vacation and go back to Scotland and take another language course there.
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