German Dictionary

Translation of aushandeln

aushandeln to negotiate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Tarife aushandeln; Entgelte aushandeln negotiate tariffs
Zahlungen aushandeln to negotiate pay rates
aushandeln, bewältigen negotiate
verhandeln, aushandeln to negotiate
verhandeln,aushandeln to negotiate
etw. aushandeln to negotiate sth.
verhandeln, aushandeln negotiate
feilschen; aushandeln to bargain
etw aushandeln negotitate sth

Since my wife is pregnant, we must postpone the trip until tomorrow. I am back again in Poland in June and then I would be very happy to meet you. I will email the exact dates a little later.
I've also looked at the interface, and found it a good idea to include the colloquial option. Would it be very complicated to add the most important regional check box, like Spain, South America or Central America?
Do you like Hamburg? I've never been there. Maybe I can visit it one day. I hope to hear from you and please write me in German, so that you will also learn it. Do not worry about mistakes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of negotiate   [ negotiated, negotiated ]