German Dictionary

Translation of ausschöpfen

ausschöpfen  to exhaust     

Translation by Vocabulix


ausschöpfen; verwerten exploit
ausnutzen; ausschöpfen exploit

On the way, there were a lot of beautiful, colored trees. Having arrived in a tiny village called Harvard, we got out of the car and walked through the streets. We were very lucky and I will tell you why.
Last week for example, I could have told you in advance that there is no chance for the other trials (if I knew): The traffic on the major website was too big. We should test it again sometime.
We were Lao Cai around six o'clock but the train left only at eight. I was somehow relieved though that we had all the dangerous bus journeys behind us and that we left this lovely place soon.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ausschöpfen
schöpfe aus  schöpfst aus  schöpft aus  schöpfen aus  schöpft aus  schöpfen aus  schöpfte aus  schöpftest aus  schöpfte aus  schöpften aus  schöpftet aus  schöpften aus     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of exhaust   [ exhausted, exhausted ]