German Dictionary

Translation of Auszeichnung

die Auszeichnung the distinction    ; the award    

Translation by Vocabulix


die Auszeichnung; der Unterschied; die Ehrung distinction
Unterscheidung; Auszeichnung; Ehrung distinction
Auszeichnung, Ehrung distinction
Auszeichnung; Preis award
Preis, Auszeichnung award

Spanish people are always saying, that you have to live the moment, you have to live now, since you do not know what is going to happen in the future. I think it is because many have troubles.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
I went to the desk of Aerolineas Mexicanas and postponed my flight by two days. I did not have to get prepared as I had done some homework before coming here. The backup plan was Isla Mujeres.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of award   [ awarded, awarded ]