German Dictionary

Translation of befeuchten

befeuchten to moisturize    

Translation by Vocabulix


befeuchten to dampen; to weaken
befeuchten to wet, wet, wet

So I do not know what to write more. It seems that you know my entire life by now. Each sentence needs to be constructed in a differnt way. The best part is to write about vacation and nice memories.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
I was a little disappointed that I would not arrived at my final destination the same day, but once I considered all options, it was probably the best choice at this time. I was excited to stay.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of befeuchten
befeuchte  befeuchtest  befeuchtet  befeuchten  befeuchtet  befeuchten  befeuchtete  befeuchtetest  befeuchtete  befeuchteten  befeuchtetet  befeuchteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of moisturize   [ moisturized, moisturized ]