German Dictionary

Translation of bekommen

bekommen to receive    ; to get    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Torben bekam seinen Motorrollerführerschein mit sechzehn.

Torben got his scooter licence when he was sixteen.
Es gab keine Gewähr, dass ich ein Visum bekommen würde. There was no guarantee I would get a visa.
Sie versuchte, mit einem Glätteisen ihre lockigen Haare glatt zu bekommen. She tried to straighten her curly hair with an iron.
frei bekommen; Urlaub bekommen to get time off
sich verschaffen; bekommen; gewinnen to gain
bekommen receive; recibir (1ra); obtener
eine Arbeitsstelle bekommen to get a job
seine Rache bekommen get one's revenge
ein Stipendium bekommen to get a grant
Einblick bekommen to get insight into
bekommen; einholen; auftreiben obtain
Urlaub, frei bekommen to get time off

Let me explain: A company that has may difficulties needs to change its behavior, its organization, its business plan and sometimes the entire management. In this case, change must happen anyway.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
We considered staying a little longer in this region but the weather forecast foresaw heavy winds and lots of rain. We therefore decided to move on to our next destination which was the Peninsula Valdes.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bekommen
bekomme  bekommst  bekommt  bekommen  bekommt  bekommen  bekam  bekamst  bekam  bekamen  bekamt  bekamen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of get   [ got, got ]
Conjugation of receive   [ received, received ]