German Dictionary

Translation of bestrafen

bestrafen  to punish     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der neugierige Zwerg wurde in dem Märchen vom Prinz bestraft.

The curious dwarf in the fairytale was punished by the prince.
Diebstahl wurde früher durch Abhacken der rechten Hand bestraft. Larceny used to be punished by chopping off the right hand.
Früher wurden Untreue oft mit Tripper bestraft. In the old days the unfaithful were often punished with gonorrhea.

I spoke to Juliette and she told me to organize the meeting with Jimmy and Rick. I would like to know the time and place of our meeting (on Monday). Looking forward to meet you all. Bye soon.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
The American (his name was Jeffrey) meant that this is the hour where usually the price of goods went down as the sellers were under pressure and did not want to return with the product.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bestrafen
bestrafe  bestrafst  bestraft  bestrafen  bestraft  bestrafen  bestrafte  bestraftest  bestrafte  bestraften  bestraftet  bestraften     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of punish   [ punished, punished ]