German Dictionary

Translation of blitzen

blitzen to flash    ; to sparkle    

Translation by Vocabulix


blinken; blitzen flashing
blitzen to flash

Dear Arnold, please send me David's contact details. I will arrange a meeting and present him the machine, so that he will know how to operate it properly. Thanks again and all the best.
If that gets out of control (riots or support for radicals), there may flourish a steady ground on which the mentioned could reoccur. Then after a while this turns to be nationalism on a larger scale.
My wife joined me two hours later and everybody went to breakfast. The plan for the day was to visit a cave on one of the islands. We took smaller boats to get there as the ship was too large to approach the island.
People also searched for: betrübt    berichten    beharrlich    barmherzig    ausrasten    auftauen    atemlos    anordnen    anarchistisch    achthundertzwei   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of blitzen
blitze  blitzt  blitzt  blitzen  blitzt  blitzen  blitzte  blitztest  blitzte  blitzten  blitztet  blitzten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of flash   [ flashed, flashed ]