German Dictionary

Translation of Chemiker

der Chemiker the chemist    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Chemiker entwarf einen Tiegel mit einer Rille, um die Substanz aufzufangen.

The chemist designed a crucible with a groove to catch the substance.
Kein Chemiker würde jemals wagen, gewisse Chemikalien zu mischen. No chemist would ever dare to mix certain chemicals with each other.
Chemiker chemist

I think that these news are a reflection of what people want to hear: The networks are presenting superficial stories because the audience is exactly that and do not want to be confronted with the reality.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
Somehow at three in the morning I finally fell asleep. The place did not serve breakfast but I went to the northern beach which offered really nice food. I ate some fruits and drank coffee.
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