German Dictionary

Translation of deshalb

deshalb hence    ; therefore    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Eine Schildkröte lebt sehr lange und muss sich deshalb nicht eilen.

A tortoise lives very long and therefore has no need to hurry.
Jugendliche sind oftmals furchtlos und begehen deshalb einige Dummheiten. Teenagers are often fearless and therefore commit many stupidities.
Der Stahl wird gebraucht um Maschinen zu bauen und hat deshalb einen großen Wert in der Industrie vieler Nationen. The steel is used to build machines and has therefore a great value in the industry of many nations.
daher, deshalb; auf diese Weise thus
deshalb,deshalb(1) that's why
dafür, deshalb therefore

So, I have to say that the behavior of the people living in Turkey is very different from most countries in the world. They are very open, kind and funny, sometimes one can think that they are rude.
Wars and struggles are always or mostly based on ignorance, fears and disrespect of the enemies. Unfortunately, the kind of hate which roots in previous wars never stops. Let me be clearer, please.
We landed at the same airport were we have started our trip three weeks earlier (before continuing to Cambodia), however this time we would stay for two days in the city. We were back in SE Asia.
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