German Dictionary

Translation of durchdacht

durchdacht elaborate    

Translation by Vocabulix


ausgeklügelt; durchdacht; raffiniert sophisticated
überlegt; bewusst; wohl durchdacht deliberate
kompliziert; aufwendig; durchdacht elaborate
kunstvoll; (wohl)durchdacht elaborate
schlecht durchdacht ill-conceived
neu durchdacht rethought
durchdacht thought-out

Do you want to proceed with entering more words or do you want to wait for the new design. For me, both options are ok. You could add the language in parenthesis after the sentence. We'll see within one week those we really need.
I really value honest comments, and I am a believer that it is the only way that the social community system works, so as to know whom you can trust on both sides. Programmers did a great job if you were asking me.
There are great museums if you like art. The most important is the Van Gogh museum. There are good restaurants and bars in the center, it is very international. I hope we can stay in touch.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of elaborate   [ elaborated, elaborated ]