German Dictionary

Translation of einander

einander each other; one another

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Bevor die Reisegefährten sich trennten umarmten sie einander herzlich.

Before the travel companions parted, they gave each other a heartfelt hug.
kennen einander nicht kennen elkaar niet
einander; gegenseitig; uns another
einander, gegenseitig one another
einander; gegenseitig each other
einander e each other

I need to write you one more sentence. This is what my teacher told me and the German language is so difficult. So please, as a last favor, would you please write the sentence for me in German?
In my next message to you I want to write everything in German. Than I will rewrite it in English and we can compare the output. This way you see the text in your mother tongue and in a foreign language.
I went to the desk of Aerolineas Mexicanas and postponed my flight by two days. I did not have to get prepared as I had done some homework before coming here. The backup plan was Isla Mujeres.
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