German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Nach diesem Spiel schuldete er ihm eine Revanche. |
After this game he owed him a rematch. |
Eine Registrierung aller Benutzer ist notwendig. | A registry of all users is essential. |
Eine Nachfüllung für diese Flasche können Sie in jedem Geschäft bekommen. | You can get refills for this bottle in every shop. |
ein grosszügiger Gastgeber; eine grosszügige Gastgeberin | a generous host; a generous hostess |
eine Party veranstalten; Eine Party veranstalten | to throw a party; to have a party |
eine Rede halten; eine Ansprache halten | to deliver a speech; to deliver an address |
eine Errungenschaft(1); eine Durchführung; eine Vollendung | accomplishment |
ein Arbeitskollege; eine Arbeitskollegin | a colleague; a colleague from work |
(eine) Art von; eine Art von; Art von | (a) kind of; a kind of; kind of |
Eine Lehre ablegen | to serve an apprenticeship; to serve a traineeship |
ein Aktenzeichen; eine Kennnummer; eine Auftragsnummer | a case number |
eine Beziehung haben zu; betreffen | to relate to sb; to relate so sth. |

I need to write you one more sentence. This is what my teacher told me and the German language is so difficult. So please, as a last favor, would you please write the sentence for me in German?
After that I expect that you do the same. Write me a text in English and the same translated to Spanish. This way we will learn all directions. We will be able to compare the texts and learn.
I took a shuttle to the ferry station and enjoyed the thirty minute busride. I wrote some SMS to my cousin who stayed on the island two years ago and she informed me about hostels and good places.
After that I expect that you do the same. Write me a text in English and the same translated to Spanish. This way we will learn all directions. We will be able to compare the texts and learn.
I took a shuttle to the ferry station and enjoyed the thirty minute busride. I wrote some SMS to my cousin who stayed on the island two years ago and she informed me about hostels and good places.
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