German Dictionary

Translation of einwickeln

einwickeln to wrap    

Translation by Vocabulix


Deckel; Hülle; einwickeln cover
einwickeln to wrap up
einwickeln to wrap

Personal tragedies are mentioned everywhere although they do not influence our lifes. The funny thing is that these news are labeled as 'World news' on some major channels. It is totally unappropriate.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
We did not feel any danger at all and found the area very attractive. Especially Bocca with its colorful building appealed to us. In addition, we found out that Maradonna was the king of this neighborhood.
Lately viewed by others: einheitlich    dämonisch    drakonisch    demographisch    bücken    betonieren    bequem    begnadigen    bahrainisch   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of einwickeln
wickle ein  wickelst ein  wickelt ein  wickeln ein  wickelt ein  wickeln ein  wickelte ein  wickeltest ein  wickelte ein  wickelten ein  wickeltet ein  wickelten ein     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of wrap   [ wrapped, wrapped ]