German Dictionary

Translation of einzigartig

einzigartig unique    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Anmeldung für die Webseite muss einprägsam, und doch einzigartig sein.

The login for the website has to be easy to remember but still unique.
Das einzigartige Kunstwerk des Schülers beeindruckte selbst die Lehrer. The student's unique artwork impressed even the teachers.
einzigartig, einmalig unique [ju'*](1)
einzigartig unique

Instead of focusing on the meeting between Clinton and Mubarak, the media prefered to talk about the birthday cake that Hillary Clinton received and about the visit of pyramids and other attractions.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
The city was incredibly vivid and we were impressed by its size. We walked a lot through all the different neighborhoods, starting with Recoleta, an upper class neighborhood with its famous cemetery.
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