German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Der Antrag wurde angenommen, um ähnlich unfaire Entscheidungen zukünftig zu vermeiden. |
The motion was passed in order to avoid similarly unfair decisions in the future. |
In dieser Kommune trifft die allmächtige Gemeinschaft die Entscheidungen. | In this community, the almighty collective makes the decisions. |
Es war eine einstimmige Entscheidung der ganzen Familie, Stachelbeeren im Garten anzupflanzen. | It was a unanimous decision of the entire family to plant gooseberries in the garden. |
(sich) entscheiden; Entscheidung | to decide; decision |
eine Entscheidung treffen | to make/take a decision |
eine Entscheidung treffen(1) | make a decision(1) |
bewusste Entscheidung | conscious decision |
Beschluss, Entscheidung | decision |
(die) Entscheidung | decision |
Entscheidung; Wahl | choice |
Entscheidung | decisions |
Everybody knows about the Indian summer which is famous for it strong and shiny atmosphere in the woods. That is why i wanted to see it too. So, last Saturday morning we left Boston and drove North-West.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
We spent the entire day walking around the city, looking for gifts for our friends and for family back at home. It was a nice and relaxing last day. In the late afternoon, we decided to buy shoes.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
We spent the entire day walking around the city, looking for gifts for our friends and for family back at home. It was a nice and relaxing last day. In the late afternoon, we decided to buy shoes.
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