German Dictionary

Translation of erforschen

erforschen to explore    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Selbst in der Biochemie würden wir davon profitieren, das Elektron genauer zu erforschen.

Even in biochemistry, we would benefit from studying the electron more closely.
Aufgrund der politischen Probleme ist Kolumbien keines der Länder, das ich erforschen möchte. Due to the political problems Colombia is not a country I would like to explore.
Bellenheim erforschte das neuronale Netz über zehn Jahre lang. Bellenheim researched the neural network for over ten years.
nachforschen; erforschen; gründlich prüfen probe
erforschen; prüfen; untersuchen to investigate
erforschen; ermitteln investigate; to investigate
etw. erforschen to investigate sth.; to probe sth.
feststellen; erforschen to ascertain
forschen, erforschen investigate

Dear Arnold, please send me David's contact details. I will arrange a meeting and present him the machine, so that he will know how to operate it properly. Thanks again and all the best.
I slept in the jungle lodge. Dinner was really nice as there was only one restaurant were everybody gathered. My newly acquired friends invited me to join them for dinner and we had a great time.
The second day we visited the bird and the fish market, some large shopping malls and dedicated the entire day with shopping clothes and strolling around. I found a nice jacket, which I am still wearing.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erforschen
erforsche  erforschst  erforscht  erforschen  erforscht  erforschen  erforschte  erforschtest  erforschte  erforschten  erforschtet  erforschten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of explore   [ explored, explored ]