German Dictionary

Translation of erteilen

erteilen to grant    

Translation by Vocabulix


Ratschläge erteilen; Rat geben; Ratschläge geben give advice
Auftrag, Bestellung; einen Auftrag erteilen order; to place an order
verabreichen; erteilen; führen administer
verabreichen; erteilen; anwenden administer
eine Bestellung erteilen to place an order
einen Auftag erteilen place an order
eine Auftrag erteilen place an order
Ausgeben; Erteilen; Problem issue
einen Rat erteilen to give advice
Absage erteilen refuse a request
Befele erteilen Giving orders
erteilen to accord

How long have you being teaching Russian and why do you want to learn Spanish? Since when do you learn it? Are you traveling often and if you do in which countries? Are you from Moscow or St. Petersburg?
I've been working on and off on the dictionary during the entire week, and I'll spend some more hours on it this coming weekend. Sometimes he would get a bit mixed up and use formal Castilian sometimes instead of informal.
The course was a bit tough because the teacher always gave lots of homework. We were upset about his behaviour. He was very arrogant towards all the students. It was simply no fun to study there.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erteilen
erteile  erteilst  erteilt  erteilen  erteilt  erteilen  erteilte  erteiltest  erteilte  erteilten  erteiltet  erteilten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of grant   [ granted, granted ]