German Dictionary

Translation of Filter in German-English

der Filter the filter    

Translation by Vocabulix


filterlos, ohne Filter plain
Filter filter

Some of the disadvantages are the coldness, darkness and the fact that the days are a lot shorter then as in the summer. First let me tell you what I do not like about the winter. It is the following.
Moreover, even if we know a lot about a certain culture, we will never be able to understand it in the same way and with the same depth as they do, since we have a very different point of view.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
Most common translations: Felsenpinguin    Familienstand    Exil    Erscheinung    Epik    Empfang    Einweisung    Eigentum    Durchsetzung    Dosis   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of filter   [ filtered, filtered ]