German Dictionary

Translation of Flut in German-English

die Flut the high tide; the high water; the flood    

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Sample sentences:
Vor der Flut beobachteten die Wissenschaftler den Deich Tag und Nacht.

Before the flood, the scientists observed the dike night and day.

Yes, I speak a little bit of English. I'm just beginning to take English courses in private evening classes. Is your Spanish good? I will speak to you in Spanish and you teach me in English.
And in the end you still have not learned what you have wanted. I browse in online stores all day and come back empty-handed, or with items that I do not really need. Learn and think about it.
Perhaps we are could meet sometime in person, not just via the Internet. Of course, we should still write each other a lot. I will get back to you once I am back in Cologne, and then give you know.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of flood   [ flooded, flooded ]