German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Um das Kreuzworträtsel lösen zu können, brauch man Zeit und Fokus. |
In order to solve the crossword, one needs time and focus. |
Der Fokus verschob sich zum Nahen Osten als die Schlagzeilen ausbrachen. | The focus shifted to the Middle East when the headlines broke. |

Brookline Avenue in example will be blocked off for over two hours: Security and protection for my students is very important to me, explains Carole. Drivers are requested not to used these routes.
Moreover, even if we know a lot about a certain culture, we will never be able to understand it in the same way and with the same depth as they do, since we have a very different point of view.
The flight was a little late so we spent our time in the airport playing car race computer game. My wife won three times in a row, she is a better driver than me anyway. We flew to Puerto Madryn.
Moreover, even if we know a lot about a certain culture, we will never be able to understand it in the same way and with the same depth as they do, since we have a very different point of view.
The flight was a little late so we spent our time in the airport playing car race computer game. My wife won three times in a row, she is a better driver than me anyway. We flew to Puerto Madryn.
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