German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Das Formular verlangte Namen und Adresse des Treuhänders. |
The form asked for the trustee's name and address. |
Die Angestellten schrieben all ihre Schwierigkeiten auf und gaben das Formular ihrem Chef. | The employees recorded all their difficulties and gave the form to their boss. |
Vermassel nicht die Formulare für dein Visum! | Don't goof the paperwork for your visa! |

I agree that this could be very helpful, as I could bring you my experience and maybe learn from you about new study techniques outside my scope. Language learning is a very broad subject.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!
Most common translations:
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of form [ formed, formed ] |