German Dictionary

Translation of Fortpflanzung in German-English

die Fortpflanzung the propagation    ; the reproduction    

Translation by Vocabulix


sexuelle Fortpflanzung sexual reproduction
Zucht; Aufzucht; Fortpflanzung breeding
fortpflanzung reproduction

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
From that day on we shared dinner. In addition, I explained them, that the reasons for coming to Cuba was photography and the Spanish language, which I wanted to improve after studying for a year.
The door of the car was still open, so that he could not drive away. Luckily, two foreigners walked by and we were asking them to help us out. They payed for us and warned us that these situations were common.
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