German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Er beauftragte zwei Frauen damit, Miller seinen Preis zu überreichen. |
He assigned two women to give Miller his award. |
Das Gewichtheben als olympische Disziplin ist in den letzten Jahren bei Frauen sehr populär geworden. | In the last few years, weightlifting as an Olympic discipline has become very popular among women. |
Meistens genießen schwangere Frauen den zweiten Trimester. | A pregnant woman usually enjoys the second trimester. |
die Frau; die Frauen | wife, Mrs., Ms. |
herrschende Frauen | woman rulers |
weiblich; Frauen-; Frau | female |
Frau / Frauen | woman / women |
weiblich; Frauen- | feminine |
Frau, Frauen | woman, women |
Frau Frauen | woman women |
Frau/Frauen | woman/women |
die Frauen | the women |

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After our system update, lessons will be saved for 30 minutes automatically, if you want to save them permanently, you need to press the 'save lesson' button. It than works the same basically.
Sorry for bothering you with so many questions. You are going to be my first online language course. The more I trust you and your website, the more I will use it and recommend it...No problem...
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