German Dictionary

Translation of Frische in German-English

die Frische the freshness    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Frische Preiselbeeren haben einen etwas nussigen Geschmack.

Fresh cranberries have a little bit of a nutty taste.
Ich liebe die Frische meines Pullovers nachdem er in der Wäsche war. I love the freshness of my sweater after it has been in the wash.
Frische Pfeffermünzblätter im Tee beruhigen Deinen Hals. Fresh peppermint leaves in the tea calm your throat.
frische Blumen fresh flowers

Spanish people are always saying, that you have to live the moment, you have to live now, since you do not know what is going to happen in the future. I think it is because many have troubles.
After that I expect that you do the same. Write me a text in English and the same translated to Spanish. This way we will learn all directions. We will be able to compare the texts and learn.
Luckily the town was small and the hotel manager could call all taxi stations. They checked it through their radios and an hour later the driver was back with our bags. He did not want to be paid extra, but I insisted.
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