German Dictionary

Two weeks ago I met a girl from Indiana and she told me that she was really sorry but that she would have no knowledge about Europe, Africa or Asia and that it was only due to lack of information on TV.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
Now it shows the hand and when you stand on the image with the mouse you receive an indication as well: 'Spanish Club - Property in Spain'. If the issue is still not resolved, I will try something else.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
Now it shows the hand and when you stand on the image with the mouse you receive an indication as well: 'Spanish Club - Property in Spain'. If the issue is still not resolved, I will try something else.
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