German Dictionary

Translation of fünf in German-English

fünf  five     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Täufer vollzog täglich von neun bis fünf Uhr Taufen.

The baptist conducted baptisms from nine to five every day.
Der Radius der Kugel musste mindestens fünf Fuß betragen. The radius of the orb must have been nearly five feet.
Der Tempel hatte fünf Mieter, die dem Orden noch nicht beigetreten waren. The temple had five tenants that had not yet entered the order.
fünf Uhr 5 o'clock; fife o'clock
fünf Uhr 5 o'clock; five o'clock
fünf mal null five times nought
um fünf Uhr at five o'clook
fünf vor neun five to nine
fünf five
fünf fyf

Let me know how we can proceed and how I could help you further. I am looking forward to share lessons and maybe meet you in person in Singapore one day. Kind regards to you and your wife.
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
Although the travel guide book mentioned a three star hotel we did not even had to enter the lobby in order to see that we would not sleep there. So we picked another recommendation and drove on.
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