German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Der fröhliche Enkel freut sich darauf, Zeit mit seinen Großeltern zu verbringen. |
The merry grandson is looking forward to spend time with his grandparents. |
Das Enkelkind nervte die Großeltern den ganzen Morgen mit seinen Wünschen. | The grandchild was bugging his grandparents the entire morning with his wishes. |
Die Enkelin und der Enkel bereiteten das Mahl zum fünfzigsten Hochzeitstag ihrer Großeltern. | The granddaughter and grandson prepared the meal for the fiftieth wedding anniversary of her grandparents. |
I bought the ticket very quickly and ran to the gate. A stewardess was waiting for me and waved. She shouted that I should hurry up. I ran as fast as I could and entered the gate leading to the plane.
In order to quickly become successful, one would have to change certain points, at least in my opinion: After 5 months of learning, I have still not found the grammar practice on which I should concentrate.
We are moving away tomorrow, first to Stockholm and then to Oslo. In the first week we will be in a hotel and at the beginning of the second week my studies will start. I will then look for an apartment.
In order to quickly become successful, one would have to change certain points, at least in my opinion: After 5 months of learning, I have still not found the grammar practice on which I should concentrate.
We are moving away tomorrow, first to Stockholm and then to Oslo. In the first week we will be in a hotel and at the beginning of the second week my studies will start. I will then look for an apartment.
Most common translations:
sich entschuldigen