German Dictionary

Translation of Grundbesitzer

der Grundbesitzer the landowner    

Translation by Vocabulix


If you see a blank page, please refresh it, as we updated it a few hours ago and the old one might be in your cache. We took the graphics from your website and from your brochures. Are we allowed to do that?
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
Fortunately the bay we anchored was very calm and the ship did not move at all, or at least one could not feel it. We prepared for dinner and went to the deck, where everybody else was sitting.
Most common translations: Golfschläger    Giebel    Geschirrtuch    Gemeinsamkeit    Gefährlichkeit    Garten    Fußboden    Freudenhaus    Fläschchen    Fixierung