German Dictionary

Translation of Haar

das Haar  the hair     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
In dem Refrain geht es um ihren Anis-artigen Geruch und ihr seidiges Haar.

The refrain talks about her anise like smell and her silk like hair.
Der Senator trug sein Haar stets in einem Zopf. The senator always wore his hair in a plait.
Der kleine Kamm war zu zerbrechlich für ihr wildes, afrikanisches Haar. The small comb was too flimsy for her wild African hair.
Schüttle dein Haar. Shake your hair.
eher längeres Haar longish hair
das Haar, Haare the hair(s)
gerades Haar straight hair
schwarzes Haar black hair
gelocktes Haar curly hair
gewelltes Haar wavy hair
braunes Haar brown hair
dunkles Haar dark hair

Since Joseph is convinced of the coming success, he suggests to leave the machine in Canada for another 2 months (at no cost of course!). I think that they learned a lot through your project.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
The American (his name was Jeffrey) meant that this is the hour where usually the price of goods went down as the sellers were under pressure and did not want to return with the product.
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