German Dictionary
I really worry about the health of obese people, especially the ones that I know in person (friends, relatives), because it is well known that overweight have a higher probability of heart attack.
Let me continue to tell you about my adventures. So, as I have told you in my last writing I returned to the airport and scheduled a new date for my flight. This time I left myself five more days.
The fans in the stadium was so much better than any fans in Europe. The atmosphere was pure football and people did not stop singing for ninety minutes regardless of the score. Outside the stadium there was smell of Asado.
Let me continue to tell you about my adventures. So, as I have told you in my last writing I returned to the airport and scheduled a new date for my flight. This time I left myself five more days.
The fans in the stadium was so much better than any fans in Europe. The atmosphere was pure football and people did not stop singing for ninety minutes regardless of the score. Outside the stadium there was smell of Asado.
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