German Dictionary

Translation of Hast

die Hast the haste    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Art, wie du sie behandelt hast war nicht nur unangenehm - sie war scheußlich!

The way you treated her was not just unpleasant - it was atrocious!
Du hast wirklich Glück, dass man Dich mit Deiner Beschwerde anhört. You are really fortunate to get heard with your complaint.
Wenn Du mit diesem Abenteuer beginnen willst hast Du meinen Segen. If you want to embark on this adventure you have my blessing.
Du hast Recht.; Sie haben Recht. You're right.
Hier bitte.; Da hast du. Here you are.
du hast gehört you've heard
Du hast Glück you're lucky
Hast du Hunger? Is jy honger
du hast recht You're right
hier hast du here you are
hasten; Eile; Hast rush
hast du have you got

This Thursday afternoon a group of twenty five belonging to the Language Institute of English will take a trip to the Canadian city Montreal, accompanied and well protected by the bodyguard Linda.
Let me continue to tell you about my adventures. So, as I have told you in my last writing I returned to the airport and scheduled a new date for my flight. This time I left myself five more days.
You cannot be in this city without watching a football game. We therefore bought tickets two days ahead in order to see the soccer game between Bocca Juniors and Newell's Old Boys from Rosario.
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