German Dictionary

Translation of Hauptfach

das Hauptfach the major subject

Translation by Vocabulix


Hauptfach; Haupt-; hauptsächlich major
Hauptfach main subject; core subject
als Hauptfach studieren to major in
Hauptfach main subject; major

Thanks again for your time. I attached my avatar, it is very similar to the previous one. I have guided the development of the website, and I feel free to share my knowledge with others.
Thanks a lot. My wife, daughter and I came back with a flu from the Swiss mountains, but now we are getting better. How are you? 'Vos' is only used in antique Spanish as 'usted', in the singular form of course.
Paris is totally a city for tourists because it has so many attractions. The Eiffel Tower should look beautiful at night. There are many ways to entertain yourself there. Start with the cafes.
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